With over 5 decades collective experience the Bendis Company has been assessing the value of property owner’s losses following damages from a wide variety of events, such a water, fire, moving, and weather. We have been called on to evaluate personal, business and industrial property.
Our extensive experience in both personal and commercial losses allows us to hit the ground running when we are asked to evaluate damages. Our network of specialists and experts is ready to assist with the specific circumstances that surround the insurance claim so that documentation and substantiation proceeds without unnecessary delay.
What Qualifies Bendis Companies to Appraise Personal & Business Property?
- Property Knowledge, Formal Education on Appraisal Theory, Principles, Proceeds, Ethics, and the Law.
We are in an ongoing program of study requiring frequent requalification and updating. Our continuing education and comprehensive testing ensure competence. - All appraisers do not have the same qualifications. There are no State or Federal licenses for personal property appraisers. Until legislations is passed to protect the public from unqualified appraisers, it is our responsibility. Some people hold themselves out to be appraisers may be familiar with local auction prices for every day items but are ignorant of regional, national or international markets for Yellow Iron, antiques, collectibles, machinery, equipment, art or collectables.
- Bendis Company has International Society of Appraisers (ISA), Certified Estate Specialist (CES) Appraisers, as well as Certified Appraisers of Yellow Iron and Industrial Equipment, with over five decades collective experience.
- We will supply you references.
- What will you receive for the appraisal fee? A formally written and descriptive
(USPAP )Qualified appraisal. Which we can defend in court. - Our fees are based on a contract amount or hourly rate plus expenses (travel), research, photographs, outside consultants where appropriate.